The Anopheles Mosquito- Carrier of Malaria

The Anopheles Mosquito

Malarial mosquitoes are known to be carrying the pathogen called plasmodia. The pathogen is what causes the disease. This type of mosquito is widespread across the globe, and Elmhurst is no exception. However, this does not mean that it is found everywhere in the world. 

While the yellow fever mosquito is a particular species of mosquito, the malarial mosquito is not. An interesting fact about mosquitoes is that it is the female anopheles mosquito that bites and spreads the disease and not the male one.

Similarly, in dengue, female Aedes mosquitoes bite humans and spread the disease. If these mosquitoes infest homes, it can get challenging to get them out on your own. Mosquitoes usually infest places in large numbers, and even if you have one or just a few at your place, they can multiply rapidly. 

Once they get favorable conditions, they can breed in large numbers and make it difficult for you to get them out. You can use mosquito repellent or some other things to kill them and get them out, but it might not be that effective. Elmhurst Exterminator Services can help you get the pest out. 

What are the characteristics of anopheles mosquitoes?

The posture that anopheles mosquitoes have is what makes them distinct from other types. On the other hand, aedes mosquitoes are capable of keeping their body parallel to the ground. Malarial mosquitoes have a really slim body as compared to other mosquitoes. 

From the front, these mosquitoes’ bodies converge like an arrow, and the abdomen does not look wide either. In house mosquitoes, you can easily see their broad abdomen, but with female anopheles, you cannot. 

Their wings look scaly, and their larvae are different from those of other species of mosquitoes. The larvae of these mosquitoes usually look flat, which is another distinctive feature of them. 

What does the behavior of anopheles mosquitoes look like?

Usually, these mosquitoes are found to be active at nighttime or dusk. In recent times, it has been noticed that these mosquitoes are capable of changing their day and nighttime because of the different control measures. 

Now, these mosquitoes are seen feeding on blood during the day, while mosquito nets are present during nighttime. Since they have developed these adaptations, they are caught in every type of habitat. 

In order to produce eggs, female anopheles mosquitoes require blood from the vertebrates. Blood has certain nutrients that are essential for it to produce its eggs. 

What is the life cycle of anopheles mosquito like?

Once they get the blood from the vertebrates, it takes only 1 to 2 days for them to produce eggs; they just need some water, and they will be good to go. Even a puddle is sufficient for them to lay their eggs and breed in. 

In addition, if there is a garbage item containing some water in it, that would also be more than enough for them to give their eggs in. These mosquitoes only give their eggs in water. Once they lay eggs, it again takes 1-2 days for these eggs to hatch, and they go through different larval stages just like any other species of mosquitoes. 

In the pupal stage, it takes about two days until they finally become an adult mosquito. All the stages are covered in about ten days. As far as young female mosquitoes are concerned, they can have their first meal(blood) after three days. Thus, you can say that these mosquitoes reproduce and complete their different life stages quite rapidly. 

Protect yourself from the dangers of mosquitoes!

Knowing how harmful these disease-causing mosquitoes can be, you should take necessary precautions. If they make it to your place, you need to get them out as soon as possible. Professionals can do so easily and quickly. 

They are very well aware of the behavior of different types of mosquitoes and thus can locate their site of breeding and eliminate them.

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